
RIP Challenge is here!

This blog appears to have fallen on some hard times. I've sorely neglected posting because I've got an Everest-steep learning curve at my new job.

However, I must acknowledge the beginning of Carl V.'s RIP Challenge. This was great fun last year, and this year's challenge promises to be a second terrific chance at getting your thrills fix as the autumn chills set in.

I'm opting for the Wimp Option, also known as Peril the First: Read four books of any length, from any subgenre of scary stories that you choose.

My picks for 2007:

1. Gothic fiction: Jane Austen, Northanger Abbey
2. Classic fiction: Dracula, Bram Stoker
3. Contemporary horror: Lisey’s Story, Stephen King
4. Mystery/horror: Alfred Hitchcock presents Stories My Mother Never Told Me
I'm still going to host in October the Horror Short Story Short Challenge...stay tuned...