
I hate everything I write

I hate everything I write.
I hate everything I wrote
that I'm currently rereading.

That's a sign of one of two things:

Either I am going to make a breakthrough, a leap forward in development, progress.


I am going to quit.

The moment every writer half-dreads,
half-anticipates and half-prays will happen
at some point.

Obviously, I've always gone down Route 1.

Is it time now for the road-less-travelled?

The only thing now to do is wait. To find out.


Anonymous said...

Write through it! Or close your eyes and type ;)

Bobby D. said...

snackywombat is right!

Anonymous said...

I hope it is #1!! I admire your determination. I would make a sucky writer--I would get frustrated and give up most likely! Keep going!

Anonymous said...

I recognize this place. I've been feeling my way toward the second one lately... and I hope you don't reach that. Let it be #1!

Yogamum said...

I can't think of anything I've ever written that I didn't hate. Isn't that normal? I thought that just went with the territory?

Now is the time to write MORE but don't go back and re-read anything!

Anonymous said...

Yogamum is right. This happens to everyone, even published and famous authors. Another piece of advice: don't destroy anything! (you'll regret it)

Julie K. Rose said...

Maybe this is your way of your brain telling you to back off for a little while. I know that every few months I'm incredibly frustrated with my writing ("all of this sucks!") and my brain screams "STOP!" That's when I need to go putter around with other creative stuff (music, baking, drawing badly) and come back later to the writing.

LK said...

All of this is incredibly great advice...thank you!

Yes, maybe time to take a break and just ignore the creepy critic and just BE.

Rebecca H. said...

Yes, ignore that inner critic! I'm sure it's the first thing, and that you are on your way to something new.

Anonymous said...

I vote for Number 1!

Perhaps putting your creativity into another outlet for awhile will help.

Anonymous said...

I understand your frustration and doubt. When I get that way about anything sometimes it helps to externalize the inner critic, or whatever it is you see as the bother. I usually argue with it in my journal, but since you are a writer you could even write a story in which you argue with your nemesis and come out on top.

verbivore said...

The inner critic is our worst enemy and our best friend. Whenever I get stuck on my own writing I start READING as much as I can, eventually something will inspire OR enough time will pass to get me through the block OR I'll read something published that is crap and feel infinitely better. I'm convinced there are lots of writers that are better than me but also lots that are worse than me. I take a lot of comfort in that idea.